Kamis, 02 September 2021

Mengajar Statistika Ekonomi & Bisnis Lanjutan

Data Statistik

Distribusi Probabilitas

Kurva Normal

Interval Keyakinan

Uji Hipotesis

Uji Beda & Uji Varian

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Uji Eksperimen & ANOVA

Simple Regression

Standard Error, Confidence & Prediction Interval

Determinasi, Korelasi & Residual

Model Regresi Kualitatif

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Forecasting Model Time Series

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2 komentar:

  1. How do you introduce the concept of inferential statistics in an advanced economics and business statistics course? greeting : Telkom University

  2. This article is incredibly informative. I've learned so much about the concept of inferential statistics in an advanced economics and business statistics course. Thank you for sharing. Tel U


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